
Showing posts from August, 2021


42 SUPRIYA GAGIREDDY QUESTION 1 : PEER TO PEER REVIEW   https://2018- 21batchpgy3gmpracticals. 18100006003-case- presentations.html?m=1 LONG CASE   Review: Quantitative marking:10/10 Qualitative insight:  -Summary of the case is well explained. -It is explained in a chronological order which is very easy to understand. -The provisional diagnosis and the features to look for was comprehensive. -All the investigations are done . -Pedal edema was clearly noticeable. -Diagnostic approach was comprehensive -pedagogic answers has given lot of information and impressive. SHORT CASE 1 Review: Quantitative marking:9.5/10 Qualitative insight: -It is explained in a chronological order which is very easy to understand -Summary of the case is well explained. -Appropriate investigations are done. -Only two pictures are uploaded which is very difficult to analyse the case. -No pedagogic answers are given. Diagnostic approach was comprehensive. SHORT CASE 2 Review: Quantitative


SUPRIYA GAGIREDDY 42 Hi,I am supriya 3rd sem medical student.This is an online elog book to discuss our patients de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardians signed informed consent.Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.This E-log book reflects my patient centered online learning portfolia. Under the guidance of Dr.Sai Deepika mam[intern] A 30 year old female daily labourer by occupation came to the OPD with chief complaints of  Abdominal distention since 4 months Dyspnea since 4 months Bilateral pedal edema since 4 months HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The patient presented with Abdominal distension,Dyspnea,Bilateral pedal edema since 4 months.Bilateral pedal edema resolved on its own.Her abdomial distension hasnt been resolved after post normal vaginal delivery of son. She is a mo


  42  SUPRIYA GAGIREDDY 3rd sem Under the guidance of deepika mam INTRODUCTION : CASE HISTORY AND CLINICAL FINDINGS : 19 year female came to casuality with chief complaints of  2-3 episodes of vomitings ,which is non projectile .Non bilious associated with food particles.5 days back high grade fever.Intermittent ,relieved on medication. Fever subsided 1 day back. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS : No H/o cold,cough,SOB,Headache Pain abdomen,loose stools Hematuria,Malena,Rash No other complaints PAST ILLNESS : No H/O DM,HTN,ASTHMA,EPILEPSY,CAD,TB PERSONAL HISTORY : No significant personal history FAMILY HISTORY : No significant history GENERAL EXAMINATION VITALS : TEMPERATURE:AFEBRILE PR:96BPM RR:18CPM BP:100/70MMHG SPO2:98%AT RA GRBS:150MG/DL SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION : CVS :S1,S2 HEARD RESPIRATORY SYSTEM :BAE+ NVBS HEARD PER ABDOMEN :SOFT' NON TENDER CNS :NFND INVESTIGATIONS : ECG-NO SIGNIFICANT CHANGES HEMOGRAM:1/8/2021 HB12.77GM TLC4300 CELLS/CU MM PLATELETS:54000CELLS /CU MM RBC:NORMOCYTI