42 SUPRIYA GAGIREDDY QUESTION 1 : PEER TO PEER REVIEW https://2018- 21batchpgy3gmpracticals. 18100006003-case- presentations.html?m=1 LONG CASE Review: Quantitative marking:10/10 Qualitative insight: -Summary of the case is well explained. -It is explained in a chronological order which is very easy to understand. -The provisional diagnosis and the features to look for was comprehensive. -All the investigations are done . -Pedal edema was clearly noticeable. -Diagnostic approach was comprehensive -pedagogic answers has given lot of information and impressive. SHORT CASE 1 Review: Quantitative marking:9.5/10 Qualitative insight: -It is explained in a chronological order which is very easy to understand -Summary of the case is well explained. -Appropriate investigations are done. -Only two pictures are uploaded which is very difficult to analyse the case. -No pedagogic answers are given. Diagnostic approach was comprehensive. SHORT CASE 2 Review:...